Friday, December 12, 2008

The Alarm Clock.

As of 4:50am this morning I now can't stop thinking about who really invented the alarm clock and for the love of nancy...whhhhhhhyyyyyy?!?! I just had a rough night last night in general. I hadn't tossed and turned so much in my life since Kingston was a newbie. And by early early morning I then noticed there is something in my contact and it really hurt my eye. Which by the way? Who get's something stuck in their eye when they're sleeping? Your eye is closed. (*GASP* Danielle! You sleep in your contacts?!?! yes.) This brings me to my counter side in the eyes are slanted, half shut, half open...trying to pull out my contacts. Then Grace decides she wants to go to the bathroom so then out the bedroom I go to let the dog out. In the meantime, George's alarm clock goes off. *THINKING* What? I'm pretty sure I read the clock as 4:50am. This can't be. I'm crawling back in bed and don't even hestitate to interrogate George about the alarm. "George! Why is your alarm going off at 4:50am!!!?" (Now people, I'm not making the rest of this up...) George replies, " helps me for when I get up at 6:00am." "But don't get up at 6:00am!" "Oh...that's to help me get up at 6:30am." I roll eyes roll over...George doesn't get up until 700/7:15am people...everyday! I couldn't believe what I just heard. I'm normally a really heavy sleeper so I had no idea this was going on...I bet you know what I did this morning? I told him STRAIGHT UP that his plan simply isn't working. CLEARLY isn't working. So cool it with the 5 alarms. I even had to give him the cool it signal. I mean REALLY! Let's just face it...if we need a mechanism to startle us out of our human sleep cycle just to be somewhere on time...make it to our job...blah blah blah...we need new jobs. Or at least a new start time. It isn't humane. But Danielle, the days start when the sun comes don't want to sleep your day away! And I agree...but we wouldn't sleep so late if we didn't go to bed so late and we wouldn't go to bed so late if we didn't think the fun started past 6:00pm with PrimeTime T.V...dinner/dessert parties or a night on the town with drinks and dancing! I vote we push everything back a couple hours. Work ends at 3:00pm, Dinner is at 5:00pm, The Office should now start at 7:00pm and for all you lushes out there, bars now close at 10:00pm. Ready. Go.


C.J. and Jen said...


George said...

For the record... I really want to start waking up early so I set my alarm clock at 4:50 thinking I migh actually be in the mood to crawl out of bed then...not so much.

The Baltera Family said...

Always a "for the record" from George.

Barry and Amy said...

If I had a quater for every time I left my contacts in at night, I would be a rich woman!

Funny post!