Monday, August 18, 2008

The Ants Go Marching One by One...Horray...Horray...

Whoever made up that song was seriously out of their mind. Instead of Horray, it should really be Horrific. I'm sorry, I'm freakishly scared of ants. Can't stand them. Anything creepy and crawly I'm like, peace-out. home-slice. I've had a few questions now and then on how those ants are doing. George and I haven't seen much of them lately by the couch, but that hasn't stopped us from pursuing getting our house sprayed...It's just has taken time cause we live in a townhome, in between neighbors, so we have to coordinate with each one and their schedules cause they have a problem too. No more coordinating though cause look at this...

I mean, are we joking? I'm currently still in my pajamas, but wearing shoes. I feel so invaded by something so small. George laughs at me cause I refuse to even pick one up with a freaks me out...sorry. Hey least I can get into a swimming pool without being freaked out by the water! (Anne had to teach him the other day how to jump into the pool sufficiently cause he was so scared! Heart palpitations and everything!) But then he can easily come back with...well at least once I'm in the water I can put my head in (It's true, I have a fear of putting my head, face down in water...this is why I won't, can't and refuse to snorkel)...I'm not sure how George and I found each other, but we're pretty much 2 peas in a pod in our own little way. Back to the George has FOR SURE set up an appointment for Wednesday. TWO DAYS! I can't wait that long...I'm even more freaked out cause this is what they told us on the phone...these ants are REALLY hard to kill...they travel in packs and migrate around, now that they are in the kitchen, they are most likely, not even in our living room anymore...if you try to kill them with normal pesticides store bought or by an exterminator, they will actually MULTIPLY cause their nest turns on high defense mode...they said we can easily leave the ants and they could be gone by morning and be somewhere else in the house...all these things are just unacceptable. Some good news though...the stuff that these people are using is odorless and safe for pets and babies so we don't even need to be out of the house for a long period of time! Just out enough for them to spray and leave! I'm sure I'll have something to say about all this in a couple days...