Monday, June 29, 2009


There's always something, isn't there? It's not a perfect world and that's just unfortunate. I tend to be a real pessimistic person. It's good to be married to George because he counters my negativity with positivity. I see disaster and he sees opportunity. I panic and he remains calm. Just when I think things are gonna go our way, a huge door gets slammed in our face. I take the easy route: panic, cry, worry, stress, maybe spout off a couple profanities...whatever works for me...I'm currently trying to concentrate on the harder, but more peaceful route: thank God, count my blessings, trust George and move forward {wherever that may be}. Team Mekhail needs lots prayers regarding our housing situation. We currently have a home being built for us {due to be ready in October}, but have run into some trouble in what to do with our current home that we are living in now. Plan A has failed so now it's time for operation plan B and fast! Please pray that I can put my stress and worries into Christ, that we will seek His guidance every step of the way, that He will continue to open and shut doors for us so we know where we need to go with our finances and where we should live and finally that George and I will continue to work together in peace as God as the center of our marriage and family that we make the right choices for us & Kingston {right now I see cardboard box under the Aurora bridge...George sees Assets...quite a pair we are}. Thank you all!