Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Still No Baby

I just had a doctor's appointment this morning and as I'm trailing out of the bathroom into the room, Dr. Nudelman behind me quickly says, "Oh geez, you're still pregnant." Despite his awesome humor, he seems to think I've made sooo much progress since last week! To him...so much progress is 1-2 cm. dilated, 60% effaced and the baby's head is positioned at zero! I wasn't that comforted from his findings since I'm pretty much convinced the baby isn't coming. I haven't had one contraction yet. I told the doc, listen, something is wrong, I just don't think my baby knows the way out. Doc says, well I will show him the way, followed by the worse pelvic exam of my life, tears even welled up in my eyes. So if that's not showing him the way, my son has certainly inherited the worse trait possible from the husband: Directionally challenged. Shouldn't they have GPS for babies by now? Anywhoo, today was also our last scheduled doctor's appointment, but seeing as though the little one is content in it's current home, we had to make another appointment for next Tuesday for an ultrasound and Stress Test. If both of those come out fine, then he'll deliver me the following Monday. Yes people, Monday June 9th. Seems so close, yet so far away. I don't think its so much the anticipation of seeing my son, but more so that I have so much pain that I can barely walk or turn over when I'm laying down that makes it so unbearable to wait. However, each day I try to think more positively. Instead of saying, OMG, i'm going to die, it's now, I'm the best womb maker ever, my babies love it!


Katie said...

danielle~ I love reading your posts about being sooo pregnant! Read my friend Kelli too- www.kellidiane.com. She's waiting to go into labor too and she's so unhappy right now. You two can bond. Best wishes for the final days! Katie (friend of Anne & Whit)

C.J. and Jen said...

Oh Danielle...you must be SOOOO miserable! I hated being at the end of my pregnancy with all of my heart, so I TOTALLY feel for you. He may come soon, though. You never know. Maybe the terrible exam today stirred something up. Hang in there! Isn't it weird how every day seems like a week when you are expecting to go into labor at any minute. You and George should go see a movie!

The Baltera Family said...

Well I'm currently free on Mon. June 9th so I guess that is good. :)

Kjays said...

Okay you will have to refresh us all on the phone tree since sooo much time has past.

Cynthia said...

Sorry to hear you are so miserable, the last part can seem to take "FOREVER", Uncle Danny says you will have him on his birthday? Which is the 29th! Good Luck with that, he has never been right will all five of ours!! So don't think about it and it will happen, when you least expect it.. Love to you both! Aunt Cindy

George said...

Best. Wombmaker. Ever.

Heidi said...

i feel your pain.. Ruby was 2 weeks late.. I tried everything.. and NOTHING would happen..except I would just be more uncomfortable after trying all of the things they say might work. When he does come though.. it will be the perfect time.. and your life will be changed forever!( You look so cute pregnant by the way)
:-)Heidi Denham