Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Update #5

Ok...so not much further along. Here are my stats: 50% effaced, 1 cm dilated and still sitting at -2...hey, at least it's a liiiiittle progress. But who knows, you never know what's going to happen. But I think secretly a part of me thinks that I'm going to go into the doctor and they're going to be like, "OMG the baby's coming!" And well...that's not how it works so I can't complain, just gotta keep praying he'll come at the right time! Not sure if I would want him to come now anyway, I haven't been feeling well. I've had a lingering cold that just won't go away. Then on top of that, I'm having serious leg and hip pain. No...seriously...I think my husband should have gotten me a wheelchair for a Mother's Day gift. It's vicious.


The Baltera Family said...

Kingston, let's go. I'm totally free now for your to arrive!