Sunday, June 29, 2008

Is This Girl For Real?

Ok, my time has come. George and I were at Babysrus picking up a few things. We were checking out, I was paying and George was standing next to me holding Kingston in his arms. All of a sudden, homegirl says, "Oh, so are you expecting another one?" Really? I was shocked, embarrassed and had my feelings hurt all rolled into one. "Uhhhh, no" are the only words I could utter out. You would think working at a baby store you would be trained not to ask unless you know FOR SURE there is a baby in that tummy. Sorry that I still look 6 months pregnant. She proceeded to ask how old Kingston was and when George said 3 weeks, she even kinda looked relieved as if her question wasn't as bad since he was just born. Not so much. She apologized several times before we exited the store. I wasn't having any of it. Thank you for ruining my day rude lady at Babysrus. I hope you read this. Even though I don't know you.


C.J. and Jen said...

Oh man...I totally feel your pain. You look GREAT, though! And at least Kingston isn't 12 months and people are still saying that to you.