Thursday, March 5, 2009

9 Months!

Kingston turned 9 months old yesterday! The lil' man is growing up. So much has actually happened in the past month too! Here are the monumental recaps:

  • Weight: 17lbs. 13oz. (10th percentile) when I say lil'...I really mean lil'. It's ok though cause doc says judging how tall and thin George is and how thin I am, he's on the right track! Kingston actually had to get weighed twice cause the first time the nurses messed up and called his weight at 15lbs. 4oz (less than 3%) about a jaw-dropper, I thought my kid was anorexic.
  • Length: 28 1/4 in. (50th percentile)...average.
  • Head: 17 1/2 in. (25th percentile)...whatever...I don't care about his head.
  • Kingston is actually crawling now! He seriously did it yesterday while we were at his check up! The doctor scared Kingston so Kingston scurried his way to George and I'm like, "Did our son just crawl?" George confirmed: it was a crawl.
  • He's pulling himself up. He has actually become really disinterested in his toys because of it. All he wants to do while he is awake is stand up, sit down, stand up and sit down. It's cute that he's learned but now I have a tugging toddler at my feet yanking on my legs and pants when he gets a chance! He is also standing in his crib now...I'm just waiting for him to figure how to climb out :) Actually I'm more like hoping he doesn't learn at all, but that's just a long lost dream I'm sure.
  • His two front teeth are FINALLY coming in and Kingston's been an absolute terror in the meantime! He has a total of 6 teeth now at the expense of mine and George's sanity. These have been the worse so far. He is constantly fussy, I feel like I have a newborn again. There was a little bleeding too so I really do feel bad for the lil' man and wish he weren't in so much pain.
  • Last but not least, Kingston's babbling so much more. MOST of the time it really does sound like "mama", but I know that he really doesn't understand that and it really isn't him saying it...soon I hope!


The Baltera Family said...

The face plant into the ottoman...hilarious! Yay Kingston for standing!!