Monday, October 26, 2009

Think Pink!

It's official. Kingston will have a baby sister come Spring. We're really excited. Really...we are. We are a little shocked...but that's ok. George & I (mostly me maybe) always had the idea of having 3 little boys. George would raise them up to be Godly men and I would hold my throne as Queen Bee and rule the roost. But then I heard those fateful words: "Sorry Danielle...looks like you'll have to share your throne..." As usual, I didn't believe. I made her double check there was no scrotum and no penis. Then asked if it could still grow. Turns out, no. All there was, was labia. We have no idea what to do with a girl, but it will be so much fun and we'll learn! Here's to a new, different and very exciting 2010! {insert raised glass here}...{of water...maybe a diet coke...}


Chelsea Bell said...

WOW!!!!!!!! So awesome...that little girl will be a man eater (beautiful I'm sure). So happy for you-we find out three weeks from if we have a boy-you haven't betrothed her to anyone yet? ;)

Chris, Amanda, Addison and Ellie Nichols said...

Mekhail Family - I am excited for you guys! You will love a little girl! Blessings! Let's have dinner soon!