Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Homestretch.

30 weeks and counting. Hopefully only 10 more weeks to go until we get to meet our baby girl. I'm really wanting a March baby and of course MY due date is March 30th. It just had to be one day shy of the end of the month. It just had to be.

Life is already getting difficult. I can't imagine having two kiddos under the age of 2. My braxton hicks are out of control. My sciatic pain is often dibilitating. I'm an insomniac. And homegirl moves entirely way too much that someone needs to tell her the floor routine is two years too early. It's the winter olympics this year, not the summer olympics. You see...the thing is...Kingston NEVER moved. I was in and out of the hospital doing stress tests because of lack of movement so to have so much kicking, flailing, twisting, turning and spasming was enough for me to think she was having some sort of conniption.

I had one of my many check-ups last Friday and boy was it a doozy. I went in gun's blazing. The morning consisted of my glucose test. Boo. Then I had my regular OB appointment in the afternoon where I oh-so-kindly let my doc know I had reason to believe my baby girl had 5 legs, 2 toes, 1 eye and a cleft lip perhaps. I needed to see her asap. Good thing my doc loves me. He overlooks my craziness and obliges to my request of an ultrasound. Phew! Don't worry, she has two eyes and her lips look great! Then he said I could have another extensive ultrasound on the 29th to do measurements and such. I feel much better about the situation and received even better news when my glucose results came back that afternoon! PASS! I don't think I ever craved dessert as much as I did in that moment in time. It's possible I may have overdid my binge on Jelly Belly's too, but that's ok. It was a celebration.

We're ready. Can't wait.

*P.S. I will post nursery photos up soon when we have finished the big stuff. I haven't even gotten the crib situated yet.
*P.P.S. I realize I'm really behind in even posting photos of our new home {I'm hearin' you Jen!} those will come eventually. We are all moved in, but there are SO MANY projects and visions I have for our home that have been put on hold until after the baby and I'm a stickler for taking photos of unfinished work. :)